• School Street School Nurse
    Mrs. Maria Beaton
    973-335-9700 ext 1005


    Nurse’s Corner

    • Provide your child with healthy lunches and snacks!     “Better eating = Better learning!” 

    • Make sure your child is well rested and getting enough sleep. “Early to bed and early to rise, keeps you healthy and wise.”

    • Send a doctor’s note with your child clearing them to return to school if they have been diagnosed with Strep Throat, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis), any kind of rash, or 5th Disease. Please also always report these illnesses to the school nurse!

    • Keep your child home until they have not vomited in 24 hours and/or have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medicine (such as Tylenol or Motrin).

    • The kids are going outside for recess more, you may want to apply sunscreen to your child prior to drop off at school for skin safety. Please dress them in layers in case it is cool outside.


    As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email!

    Healthiest Regards,

    Maria Beaton CSN,RN

    973-335-9700 EXT 1005